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Greet van der Meulen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Canada > 7349 sunset at Campbell River, Canada
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7349 sunset at Campbell River, Canada

My cousin and her husband have this stunning view from their house. The mountains are actually on the mainland from Canada.

Canon EOS 7D
1/3200s f/5.6 at 400.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 27-Sep-2012 03:24
Nice to have met you, and yes my wife knows your cousin. Glimpses.smugmug.
De'Carr Studio20-Jun-2012 15:22
Yaki Zander.13-Jun-2012 06:27
Excellent !!
Hank Vander Velde06-Jun-2012 03:26
A most beautiful scene well captured and well presented Greet.
nrcorby04-Jun-2012 19:08
Delicate yet robust
Gerard Koehl03-Jun-2012 18:40
Magnifique avec ces dégradés. V
joseantonio03-Jun-2012 18:24
Amazing scenery. Living in a place having this view is priceless
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