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GP Merfeld | all galleries >> Galleries >> Popular Gallery Prints > Na Koa Kia'i
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Na Koa Kia'i

Warrior Guards
Kane Kahiko Hula dancers from Halau O Kahikilaulani, keeping watch...
Hula Kahiko performance at Wai'ohinu, Hawai'i

Candid Portrait

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Kealoha 22-Jan-2013 12:23
ALOHA... I have these pictures signed by you... i was 19 years old in this picture. its pretty amazing that i still see it being used in Hawaii. if you personally could email me it woud be great.. MAHALO.
Eric Herbelin21-Nov-2007 19:54
Great one v
Petros Labrakos14-Nov-2007 22:36
superb shot!
Anna Pagnacco23-May-2006 18:37
Excellent in all ways! Anna
John Endres01-Aug-2005 22:16
Excellent photo, I love it! Intensity, passion, detail and balance... simply great.
Regards, John.
Guest 13-Feb-2005 06:45
great work on the colors!