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Hawai'i: Flora

Aloha Kakou!
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Eruption:  'Ohi'a Lehua Grand Opening Moonlight Plumeria Fireworks:  Lehua Mamo
Tropical Waves Hala 'Ula (Holiday Version) Leaf Glow Heliconia Trip
Sunset Plumeria Kiss: Red Jade Vine Monstera Bloom Crown:  Hala 'Ula (color)
Heliconia Jade Vine Cluster Caution:  Curves Ahead The Art of Decay
Agave:  Taking Shape I Agave: Taking Shape III Agave:  Taking Shape IV Agave:  Taking Shape II
Island Gift (V2) Liko Red Liko Naupaka
Jacaranda Jacaranda Jacaranda Lei Jacaranda Lei closer (photoart)
'Ohia Lehua: Bud to Bloom 01 'Ohia Lehua: Bud to Bloom 02 'Ohia Lehua: Bud to Bloom 03 'Ohia Lehua: Blooming Buds
Bromeliad Point Bromeliad Point Resembling Taro Resembling Taro
Kukui:  Partial Eclipse Wells' Belles:  Overture Wells' Belles:  Crescendo Wells' Belles:  Finale
Life on the Flow Jacaranda Spray Palm Feathers Growing:  Hala 'Ula
'Uki'uki 'Uki'uki After the Rain I 'Uki'uki After the Rain II 'Uki'uki After the Rain III
Hala Hala II Hala III:  Natural Weave Hala IV:  Hala Highway
Trumpet Solo (Night) Trumpet Solo (Day) Got the Point After the rain
New Bamboo New Bamboo Two Coffee Firetip
Rebirth Hala Abstract After the Rain Morning Glory
Lu'au Post Eucalyptus Tree Trunk Gecko On Heliconia Flame: Red Jade Vine
Heliconia Leaf Heliconia Leaf (BW) Heliconia Leaf (Toned) Twisted Stalk
Crown :  Hala 'Ula Pods Cactus Kalo
Dracaena:  Afternoon Buds Dracaena:  Evening Blooms Dracaena: Blossom Stalk Dracaena: Blossom Cluster
Banyan Foot Banyan Foot With Foliage Banyan Trunk (sepia) Banyan Dance
Hala Seed Spray Ulu Baby Coconuts
Anthuriums Eruption:  'Ohi'a Lehua Macaranga Shadow Dance Lava Tinged Anthurium
Anthurium Curves Spring Into Life Obake Anthurium Anthurium
Balloon Milkweed Balloon Milkweed Detail Golden Tapestry Freshly Showered
Spring Shower Soft Shower Volcanic Showers IV Volcanic Showers IX
Crownflower I Palm Up Orchid Find Your Passion
Camelia Bud Succulent Flower Lokelani... Lokelani... (sepia)
Cactus Fruit Spider Lily Duo Beginning
Sego Sprout Aloe Detail Palm Leaf Papaya
Laua'e Back Sea Lettuce Hibiscus *******Gallery******* HIPSTA FLORA II
*******Gallery******* HIPSTA FLORA II
*******Gallery******* HIPSTA FLORA I
*******Gallery******* HIPSTA FLORA I