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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Summer at the Lake > August Moon2.jpg
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August Moon2.jpg

Canon PowerShot SD900
1/50s f/4.9 at 23.1mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
bill friedlander03-Jun-2012 17:54
Wow! The right place at the right time! Gorgeous shot of the crescent moon. V
Tom LeRoy07-Jan-2012 11:24
A wonderful shot, and composition. Great framing. V
joseantonio07-Jan-2012 05:08
Beautiful composition
an nguyen07-Jan-2012 04:15
Really beautiful .
Neil Marcus07-Jan-2012 04:12
Beauty! I love the color and presentation. You are doing so well.
lou_rozensteins07-Jan-2012 03:25
Excellent shot.
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