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Un arbre dans les nuages - Les Issambres - 1995
Un arbre dans les nuages - Les Issambres - 1995
Sweet, isn't it ? - Jan 2005
Sweet, isn't it ? - Jan 2005
Ready for some wind - Jan 2005
Ready for some wind - Jan 2005
Past and present at dawn - April 2005
Past and present at dawn - April 2005
a black-billed magpie (pie bavarde) taking off, feeling blue - April 2005
a black-billed magpie (pie bavarde) taking off, feeling blue - April 2005
just passed !!! and now ??? - close to Notre-Dame - April 2004
just passed !!! and now ??? - close to Notre-Dame - April 2004
Unreal ... but so well done !
Unreal ... but so well done !
rainbow = arc-en-ciel
rainbow = arc-en-ciel
significant shadows by Notre-Dame
significant shadows by Notre-Dame
a sunny terrace
a sunny terrace
bird popping up without invitation in Tignes
bird popping up without invitation in Tignes
antenna shadow on a wall
antenna shadow on a wall
smoker in the sky
smoker in the sky
Sunset seen from San Peire
Sunset seen from San Peire
Le Boxeur
Le Boxeur
 Cold and warm colors in a wintertime sunrise near Notre-Dame de Paris.
Cold and warm colors in a wintertime sunrise near Notre-Dame de Paris. la lumière fut ( see original size ) la lumière fut ( see original size )
lady's romantic look over Paris by night
lady's romantic look over Paris by night
Sunset Bull Award - IMG_8898c.jpg
Sunset Bull Award - IMG_8898c.jpg
la mer (à Nice), qu'on voit danser, le long des golfes clairs ... P1010669b.jpg
la mer (à Nice), qu'on voit danser, le long des golfes clairs ... P1010669b.jpg
Zebra crossing - P1310877b.jpg
Zebra crossing - P1310877b.jpg
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