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gilanuriel | all galleries >> Galleries >> monochrome > newme-6625-3.jpg
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Canon PowerShot A510
1/13s f/2.6 at 5.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 22-Dec-2008 23:46
Outstanding image! V!
Jim P02-Dec-2008 02:04
Cool! V
(from Jim P's youngest daughter, "Little E")
Guest 16-Nov-2008 16:27
fabulous compo.
Zeev Parush04-Nov-2008 09:57
Wonderful shot - you sure know how to bring your own point of view.
Craig Persel03-Nov-2008 21:58
Really nice image.
12303-Nov-2008 03:28
Stunning. BV
Guenter Eh02-Nov-2008 21:24
Suddenly I feel so small...phenomenal perspective!
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