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George Cumbee | all galleries >> Galleries >> 5-3-2011 Area Flooding > Metropolis, IL-Taken by Jerry Chumbler
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Metropolis, IL-Taken by Jerry Chumbler

Canon Powershot G11
1/800s f/4.0 at 7.4mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
linda fulkerson 04-May-2011 04:12
Thank u, my husband dc 2006. Had a helicopter & retired from ag aviatin 2000 after 30 yrs. I sure can appreciate ur pics. We went up in 1997 & it was nothing as these. U certainly have given us the true grasp of this deviastation! My daughter sent this to me. Im a novice at this droid bus. (Older generation). A lot of work to be done, and it will b accomplished! Thank U again.
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