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Gordon Keyes | profile | all galleries >> Idaho 2009 >> Birds of Idaho tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Birds of Idaho

Birds of all kinds
780 a
780 a
780 b
780 b
780 c
780 c
780 d
780 d
780 e
780 e
Heavy Lift 780 drops 10 tons of water...
Heavy Lift 780 drops 10 tons of water...
DC-3 Jumper Plane
DC-3 Jumper Plane
DC-3 a
DC-3 a
Immature Bluebird
Immature Bluebird
...from the other side
...from the other side
Dad brings home a juicy moth.
Dad brings home a juicy moth.
Clark's Nutcracker
Clark's Nutcracker
...with a pine seed (nut)
...with a pine seed (nut)