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Gayle Jenkins | all galleries >> Photo A Day (almost) Year Five >> January and February 2009 > Larger than life Rocky
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Larger than life Rocky

Rocky is very special and very smart. Unfortunately, he doesn't feel well all of the time. Rocky is gong to the University of TN on September 27th for tests. Depending on the results he may have liver shunt surgery the following day. Please keep Rocky in your thoghts and prayers. Rocky has a blog to keep all of his friends posted, if you would like a link to his blog just pmail me.

Nikon D300
1/40s f/9.0 at 55.0mm iso2500 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Breland28-Jan-2009 14:25
I hope the shunt works Gayle. He is such a cutie.
Guest 28-Jan-2009 03:14
I am so sorry Rocky is not doing well. I sure hope he gets well soon.
Guest 27-Jan-2009 16:42
Hi Gayle! See I really do read my emails. Call when you can. Cherie
Gail 27-Jan-2009 09:55
D & I are anxious to hear some goods news about Rocay. He is in our thoughts and prayers. The photos are precious! Thanks for keeping everyone posted!
Bia 26-Jan-2009 19:41
He is such a cutie!
I will be thinking of him! I know he will be in the best hands there is in the field, Dr. Karen Tobias and her team at the University of Tennessee!!:)


Gayle P. Clement26-Jan-2009 18:13
I'm so sorry he's not doing well. I have so enjoyed watching him grow in your photos. He'll be in our thoughts.