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Gaylen and Patti Dahle | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Tahiti Cruise Dec. 30, 2007 to Jan. 9, 2008 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Tahiti Cruise Dec. 30, 2007 to Jan. 9, 2008

We took a wonderful cruise on the Tahitian Princess around French Polynesia with our friends, the Welbourns, and Patti W.'s mom, Twila.
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A nice house near the dock
A nice house near the dock
Birds on the posts
Birds on the posts
View of the lagoon--clear water with coral
View of the lagoon--clear water with coral
A ship coming through the break in the atoll
A ship coming through the break in the atoll
The open ocean beyond the atoll from the deck of our ship in the lagoon
The open ocean beyond the atoll from the deck of our ship in the lagoon
Going out Tiputa Pass in atoll
Going out Tiputa Pass in atoll
The ships are taller than the atoll!
The ships are taller than the atoll!
Hot and tired!
Hot and tired!
First sighting of Bora Bora on the way to Raitea
First sighting of Bora Bora on the way to Raitea
Gaylen on our balcony
Gaylen on our balcony
Locals in canoe at Raitea
Locals in canoe at Raitea
Approaching Raitea
Approaching Raitea
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