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Georgia Roessler | all galleries >> My Favorites >> My Best of 2014 > Tones of Torgau
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21-SEP-2014 Georgia Roessler

Tones of Torgau


Panasonic LUMIX LX7
1/25s f/2.0 at 12.8mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dan Greenberg31-Mar-2019 16:30
Wow!! Fantastic image design perfct for B&W. ~BV~
janescottcumming06-Nov-2014 21:46
Well seen and great in black and white.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad29-Oct-2014 16:29
Excellent study of repeating lines and shapes. Well seen! Voted
Iris Maybloom (irislm)29-Oct-2014 02:45
Love the lines and angles.
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