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gang | all galleries >> Galleries >> Short-eared Owl > 2008_12_24_2959_2_750.jpg
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Amherest Island, Ontario

Short-eared Owl

Canon EOS 40D
1/250s f/4.5 at 300.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Peggy W04-Feb-2013 04:34
Wow~ absolutely stunning!!!
RJvdLeij07-Feb-2009 23:56
I do not know how you did it but i love all your owls!! wonderfull!!
golfpic31-Dec-2008 01:43
Wow, cool shot.
Ted Busby28-Dec-2008 14:32
Nice details...

Great to see these owls in the daytime..Must have been very special
mooninwell 26-Dec-2008 04:48
you are the man. you make me stop posting owls. ;)

well done.