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Galina Stepanova | all galleries >> Gallery 1 >> Faces of Childhood > Redhaired
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Could not resist B&W conversion...
Color version is here

Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM
1/320s f/5.0 at 180.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Anna Pagnacco23-Feb-2007 04:54
Very beautiful favorite!! Ciao, Anna
Donald Verger07-May-2006 08:59
a gorgeous - hand some shot and young man!
Ana Carloto O'Shea05-May-2006 11:11
It looks great in b&w also. I like b&w portraits a lot, but I don't know if it was for seeing the colour version first or not, I think that one has more punch to it... well this is really where personal taste comes to play ;)
Guest 03-May-2006 01:46
Stunning portrait, as usual... Bravo, Galina.
Guest 02-May-2006 11:19
Absolutely incredible capture! The unbridled glee of a Raggedy Andy.The grin and freckles expolding beneath the full mushroom mop are captivating! Marvelous!WOW!
Christin Tröger02-May-2006 07:33
The other one is lovely too, but this is my favorit,
very cute kid.
shatterbug01-May-2006 23:55
Excellent b/w image! I prefer this're sooo good at this! Vote.
ac01-May-2006 15:24
Nice b/w conversion.
Sue Robertson01-May-2006 11:30
What a great crop of hair! Gorgeous shot.
Guest 30-Apr-2006 21:53
Yes the freckles say 'red'. There is a little highlight comming out in his eyes that wasn't apparent in the colour version. I think I like this version more.
jlm30-Apr-2006 18:27
Redhaire in BW, i like your humor :-)
Marek Kacprzak30-Apr-2006 16:57
both versions are excellent... once can easily imagine his flaming red hair even looking at B&W... the color one just makes it obvious.
Guest 30-Apr-2006 12:07
I find his freckle very charming here - something about how they come across texturally - we can guess his red hair without knowing it...
AL30-Apr-2006 09:26
Excellent b&w version. All I see now is his big charming smile and his lovely freckles :) Voted.
Mostafa Moftah30-Apr-2006 08:30
Still powerful..
Marie-Hélène Raletz30-Apr-2006 04:43
Fantastic power of freckles!
I don't need colour to imagine how red the hair can be! :)