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Galina Stepanova | all galleries >> Gallery 1 >> Faces of Childhood > Young pianist
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Young pianist

Lori Woo-finalist of Austin Young Artists Competition

Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM
1/250s f/3.2 at 150.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Aivar Mikko18-Apr-2008 16:51
Nice portrait. Beautiful eyes.
Nunes BEIRAO - PHOTO06-Sep-2006 16:48
Oh, she is so cute. Your talent to capture faces is definitely singular, being always a great source of inspiration!...
Luc VN28-May-2006 14:02
Really nice portrait. everything is there: expression, light and composition.
Guest 17-Apr-2006 17:16
Absolutely superb!
Guest 14-Feb-2006 11:15
She's lovely, and your portrait does her justice.
ac24-Dec-2005 08:16
Beautiful light and sharpness. Nice portrait.
Sue Robertson23-Dec-2005 10:29
Beautiful portrait. Window light is perfect for your lovely subject.
shatterbug23-Dec-2005 05:39
Fantastic portrait! Love the expression and tones! V.
Guest 23-Dec-2005 02:29
Une merveille, Galina!
Bravo. All is great, quality, expression, black and white...
Tom Beech22-Dec-2005 22:59
Beautiful shot...beautiful subject 8-)
Guest 22-Dec-2005 20:46
I think you said you used window light for these, it gives such lovely soft shadows.
...duncan22-Dec-2005 04:27
Excellent shot. She seems to have some trepidation or shyness to her. You did a great job.