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Gail Davison | all galleries >> Glass Art >> Stained Glass > The sun
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The sun

36.5x28.5 cm freestanding panel with hanging hooks at the top. A large suncatcher!

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/1000s f/11.0 at 40.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Chris Sofopoulos29-Dec-2006 07:40
I think my favourite.
I love the colours and design of this one.
Guest 11-May-2006 16:43
I love the light and composition hope to see more
Vinh Luu10-Jul-2005 18:52
for those of us not on the metric system (arrogant of us, i know), 14" x 11"... quite large! i imagine the actual piece is quite a sight!