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Fletcher Wildlife Garden | all galleries >> Galleries >> Amphibians and reptiles of the FWG > Trying to climb onto the raft
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07-APR-2010 Christine Hanrahan

Trying to climb onto the raft

I watched this painted turtle swim around the raft a couple of times before attempting to climb onto it. He got his front paws on the raft but as he tried to pull himself up, he did a backflip into the water. Poor thing.... he then swam around it a bit more before moving off. Not sure why he was having trouble, as he often sits on the raft. Nearby was the red-eared slider. I didn't see the Blanding's but apparently it was very visible the other day for I just had an email from someone who saw it around the time that Sandy did.

Canon PowerShot SX10 IS
1/400s f/5.7 at 100.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
slhoornstra08-Apr-2010 17:26
What a great shot, such determination. The raft must be very beneficial to them, a great addition to the pond. A treat to see. VVV
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