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francoisconstantin | all galleries >> Afrique 2010 >> Black and White > Chauve-souris
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Nikon D3S
1/250s f/4.0 at 300.0mm iso2000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Anna & Christian RECK08-Apr-2023 19:57
Belle prise!! Ces chauves-souris ont des yeux fascinants! On dirait des billes de verre! BV. Anna
George McCarten20-Jun-2021 04:19
This is something else! I couldn't see what was coming based on the thumb, but am very glad to have opened it.
Guest 23-Jan-2012 14:08
what a fantastic shot V
John de Voogd06-Sep-2010 23:26
Absolutely stunning! Great perspective. V
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