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...around 5:30...

Canon EOS D60
1/30s f/4.0 at 16.0mm (35mm equivalent: 93mm) iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
fxhautefeuille22-Apr-2012 06:37
Bien belle image, vous êtes récompensés de vos efforts matinaux
fxhautefeuille22-Apr-2012 06:34
Bien belle image, vous êtes récompensés de vos efforts matinaux
Vickie BROWN23-Aug-2011 12:55
Great shot! Bravo!
Yigal Steiner19-Jul-2011 17:15
Beautiful image! The composition and lightning are great!
Guest 20-May-2008 15:24
Beautiful image
Cesar Fernandez18-Jun-2005 02:16
This is another amaizing image. You DO have great talent in artistic composition and managament of colors.
Patrick DEBETENCOURT03-Feb-2005 13:58
Cette photo laisse sans voix, mais vous nous montrez LA voie ! Superbe ! Merci de nous faire partager de tels moments magiques.
Guest 16-Mar-2004 04:08
Hi Francis, this photograph is stunning. You are an inspiration to us all! Question: did you use a tilt/shift lens for this shot? There is no convergence on the castle walls, indicating you had the camera back leveled, but how would you pull off this angle of view without pointing the lens downward? I guess a Canon T/S lens, am I right?
Guest 05-Oct-2003 14:54
This is my favourite in this collection, I think. It's so idyllic! Fantastic shot!
ANH NGUYEN 07-Jul-2003 23:01
Very unusual juxtaposition: one does not associate boats with castles, but here the effect is not unpleasant. I notice that in your technical data, you show a focal lens of 16mm and a 35mm equivalent of 93mm?! Isn't that a mistake? I have always thought that the Canon digital multiplier is 1.6, so it should be something like 26mm.