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Neighborhood flowers -- Tulips Blooming 2014 04 (Apr) 11

Hiking time: 67 minutes, 41.33 seconds, or 1 hour and 8 minutes. Left on Stevens Way, right on 92nd, right on Idleman, right on 99th Drive, right on Stevens Way to home. Took 116 photos of which 58 made the cut. Was going for tulips which are peaking right now (peaking as well as on the way down). All images shot hand-held with Olympus 75-300mm, camera body and lens hanging off my shoulder harness. I had the camera set on Auto ISO, and found that the lighting caused a high ISO to be selected for a lot of shots. This means lots of image noise, which means lots of Lightroom image noise reduction, which means loss of effective resolution, which won't be noticed by people looking at the images on Pbase, because they're only looking at 1162x864 images that were originally shot at 4608x3456 where the noise in high ISO images is egregious and must be removed in Lightroom.
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