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Faye White | all galleries >> Baseball >> CG Baseball >> Summer 2008 - Varsity >
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19-JUN-2008 Faye White

Nikon D300 ,Nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED VR AF
1/640s f/5.3 at 250.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Lee Rudd20-Jun-2008 16:57
summer evening dugout! love the light on the boys of summer...
Pat Shawyer20-Jun-2008 13:27
Great shot of Brandon and friends Faye, he looks mighty impressive in your action shots !
Guest 20-Jun-2008 12:45
Love the activity in the bullpen of a baseball game. Guess your son is involved? I'm involved with watching my school - UNC - in the college world series. Game was rained out last night, against LSU, and will be resumed tonight in the first inning with a 2-0 score, UNC favor. Baseball is slower than basketball for sure, but it does offer it's own energy and drama and fun, and shown nicely in your image.