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Evaristo Buendia Carrera | all galleries >> Galleries >> vari_ety_5 > oliver
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19-MAR-2010 Ševaristo


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Curt Knaus19-Aug-2010 02:57
A beautiful and detailed capture. V.
Jim Coffman30-Jul-2010 03:12
This is really nice. So sharp. Great closeup ! BV
Guest 24-Jul-2010 10:18
watcha oli! nice shot with great focus detail.
Scott Johnson24-Jul-2010 04:21
Wow, that is awesome.
I love the soft lighting, how did you get such soft light ?
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)16-Jun-2010 19:23
The best friend...Ciao Oliver! V++
Ali Majdfar23-Apr-2010 16:20
Lovely close-up! ~V
Lee G07-Apr-2010 15:33
Oliver is one cool looking cat! He looks very relaxed here, sweet !
January Grey29-Mar-2010 05:04
Pretty kitty! Beautifully captured!!
Guest 24-Mar-2010 17:36
Preciosa imagen y muy dulce.
Jola Dziubinska20-Mar-2010 13:01
Beautiful portrait, excellent light and framing. Vote.
Rosemarie Kusserow20-Mar-2010 11:07
Wonderful light and composition, you would like to tuch him, lovely cat, Rosemarie :o) V
Dave Hein20-Mar-2010 03:52
That's one pretty kitty!
Sabine Stetson19-Mar-2010 23:08
wonderful portrait of a happy, sleepy cat:)