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22-FEB-2005 Ernst Schütz

Morning Light

Seewis - Switzerland

Canon PowerShot G2
1/640s f/5.0 at 12.5mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Milos Markovic25-Dec-2007 11:25
Sabine Stetson01-Apr-2007 17:48
beautiful picture...voted
Guest 19-Feb-2007 14:41
Che dire ??
Una foto meravigliosa. Complimenti
Guest 09-Feb-2007 00:09
Yiannis Pavlis17-Dec-2006 05:05
Absolutely amazing..
Very beautiful indeed.
Great colors and extraordinary low light.
Exquisite view and stunning mood.
Guest 19-Jun-2006 06:25
Beautiful picture but it disturbs me that I don't get to see the end of the longest icicle.
alpana 13-May-2006 10:22
very artistic and a delicate picture..ought to be framed and put up as great artwork
Squared C22-Apr-2006 06:56
This is the one that drew me into the gallery and it's really so beautiful. Nice work!
arminb09-Apr-2006 19:09
sooooo beautiful!!!
Guest 07-Aug-2005 22:23
splendid and wonderful picture.. great blending of cold grey ice with a warm sky... Very good composition... like your aerodynamics and sunset pics too..keep posting Ernst..

This one has really good soft mood and colours
you have technique man... great composition and vintage appeal..

Feel free to Visit my gallery and post your comments at

Peter Rackham01-Apr-2005 19:15
What an ironic tonal juxtaposition of the cold ice and the warm pastel sky. Nicely done! - Peter
George Bush 23-Mar-2005 17:42
Howdy! Love this one. Don't mess with Texas.
Guest 13-Mar-2005 18:46
Marvelous, thanks for sharing! Great composition . . . Cooooold!
Best regards,
John Connor