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Carl and Racine Erland | profile | all galleries >> Special Destination Trips and Holidays (Multiple Galleries) >> The 2015 Mini Adventure tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The 2015 Mini Adventure | Chihuly Garden and Glass Museum 2015 | * Tide Rip GrizzlyTours - June 23-24, 2012 | The Great Adventure 2009 Photos: Multiple Galleries | Woodland Park Zoo 2009

The 2015 Mini Adventure

This year was our 50th wedding anniversary and we planned a Mini Adventure to help celebrate the milestone.
We hope you enjoy seeing some of the highlights of our trip.

Ruby Beach, Olympic National Park
Ruby Beach, Olympic National Park
Hungry Theif
Hungry Theif
The Theif in Action
The Theif in Action
Olympic Mountain Range
Olympic Mountain Range
Lifetime Friends
Lifetime Friends
Surf Fishing
Surf Fishing
The Prize
The Prize
On the Beach
On the Beach
Shady Lane
Shady Lane
Pied-billed Grebe
Pied-billed Grebe
A Moment on the Columbia
A Moment on the Columbia
Perched and Preening on the Columbia
Perched and Preening on the Columbia
Leaving the Dock
Leaving the Dock
Paddlewheeler on the Columbia River
Paddlewheeler on the Columbia River
Sacagawea Monument
Sacagawea Monument
Bonneville Dam
Bonneville Dam
Fishwheels and Fortunes
Fishwheels and Fortunes
Fishwheel in Use
Fishwheel in Use
Fishwheel - A Life Sized Replica
Fishwheel - A Life Sized Replica
Fenches and Barns
Fenches and Barns
Red-tailed Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
A Survivor
A Survivor
Mt Adams with just a little snow
Mt Adams with just a little snow
Mount Adams
Mount Adams
Down the Road Again
Down the Road Again
Market Street Cafe & Grocery #1 The Grocery Side
Market Street Cafe & Grocery #1
The Grocery Side
Market Street Cafe & Grocery #2 The Cafe Side
Market Street Cafe & Grocery #2
The Cafe Side
Beer on a Bush see field image below
Beer on a Bush
see field image below
Wild Turkeys
Wild Turkeys
A Few More Turkeys
A Few More Turkeys
Stuart Mt. Range - No Snow
Stuart Mt. Range - No Snow
Sedro Wolley Chainsaw Carving
Sedro Wolley Chainsaw Carving
Lunch Stop
Lunch Stop
Non-Sign II
Non-Sign II
Peace Arch
Peace Arch