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Historic Fishing Village @ Tamboi

The Myall Lakes are listed as internationally important wetlands under the Ramsar Convention because they consist of a diverse mosaic of near-natural wetlands, within a relatively unmodified coastal lake system. The lake system is unique in New South Wales. The Ramsar site contains 18 different wetland types, dominated by the extensive interconnected lake and river systems, the forested wetlands and swamps that fringe the waterways, the rocky and sandy shores, and offshore islands of the coastline. Myall Lakes National Park falls within this Ramsar site. This range of wetlands and the complex variety of habitats they provide, supports a rich biodiversity of plants and animals, including threatened species and migratory birds protected under international agreements.
The Myall Lakes wetlands have a high cultural and social value. They occur within the traditional lands of the Worimi Aboriginal people, where the varied wetlands, environments and abundant resources provided an ideal living environment. Evidence of this traditional occupation exists across the landscape, including the Dark Point Aboriginal Place. European historic sites and remains occur throughout the park, including old grave sites, timber mills, shipwrecks, the still occupied Tamboi fishing village and Myall Shores Resort (Legges Camp). Visitors have been coming to the Myall Lakes for holidays and day trips for many generations and it is one of the most popular Ramsar sites in NSW. (NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service) This gallery of photos were taken as we set out from Mungo Brush camping area on the Bombah Broadwater, and travelled south to Tamboi fishing village.
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