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Broadmeadow Locomotive Depot in Newcastle, NSW, Australia

The Broadmeadow Locomotive Depot has state heritage significance. Broadmeadow Depot was the main servicing hub for steam locomotives in the northern part of NSW during this time, having replaced Hamilton Depot in this function, and was the last depot in NSW to run regular steam train services. The extensive site contains a range of buildings and works that demonstrate the operation of the site and the changing technology from steam to diesel over a period of 80 years. In particular the roundhouses demonstrate the shift after 1890 from the English model of using through-houses for locomotive maintenance, to the American practice of using roundhouses. Although a number of elements of the depot have been removed, the site is still able to demonstrate its significance through the grouping of the turntables, 1948 roundhouse, in and out roads and District Engineer's office. The site physically demonstrates a former age of locomotive servicing that no longer occurs. The Broadmeadow number 2 roundhouse is relatively rare in NSW. Although a number of roundhouses were built throughout the state, only seven roundhouses (or part roundhouses) are extant, and the Broadmeadow number 2 roundhouse and turntable are one of the largest remaining in NSW. The rarity value of the Broadmeadow complex is increased by the fact there were two roundhouses on the same site and that both turntables survive. It is still able to demonstrate this intensive use despite the loss of the superstructure of the 1924 roundhouse and the encroachment of the Endeavour Centre on the radial roads of the 1948 roundhouse. It is the only railway complex in NSW to retain two side by side turntables and both are in working order.
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