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Ed Peterson | profile | all galleries >> Special Family and Friends >> Granddaughter Dani tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Granddaughter Dani

Third Year of College
gallery: Third Year of College
2nd Year of College
gallery: 2nd Year of College
After A Year of College
gallery: After A Year of College
All done with HS, off to college basketball
gallery: All done with HS, off to college basketball
Year 18
gallery: Year 18
Year 17
gallery: Year 17
gallery: year16
Start on year 15, where has my time gone!
gallery: Start on year 15, where has my time gone!
And she starts another year,14
gallery: And she starts another year,14
Year 13
gallery: Year 13
Year 12
gallery: Year 12
Year 11
gallery: Year 11
Year 10
gallery: Year 10
Year 9
gallery: Year 9
gallery: year_8
Year 7
gallery: Year 7
Year 6
gallery: Year 6
Year 5
gallery: Year 5
Year 4
gallery: Year 4
Year 3
gallery: Year 3
Year 2 and the changes keep coming.
gallery: Year 2 and the changes keep coming.
Brand new, 7/5/04, Daniella Elizabeth.  My first grandchild, let the fun begin.

Brand new, 7/5/04, Daniella Elizabeth. My first grandchild, let the fun begin.

One happy little kid.  She is always smiling.

One happy little kid. She is always smiling.

Hi Grandpa, I'm ready for a picture.

Hi Grandpa, I'm ready for a picture.

Yes, I made it.  Now I am a little girl, no more baby.

Yes, I made it. Now I am a little girl, no more baby.

Time to be a big girl.  It's my brother's birthday and I spilt Grandpa's beer, better clean it up.

Time to be a big girl. It's my brother's birthday and I spilt Grandpa's beer, better clean it up.