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The Ellisons | all galleries >> Travel & Trips >> Iran >> Iran Favourites > Palangan / پلنگان‎
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Palangan / پلنگان‎

He couldn't understand why I wanted to take his picture.... to me he was possibly the most beautiful person I met on this trip!

Nikon D7100
1/500s f/5.6 at 135.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
M Paula Neumann07-Dec-2015 03:40
Fantastic portrait! V
Terry Bowker06-Jan-2015 17:37

346th Show & Tell Competition: Weathered and Worn - WINNER
F I R S T * P L A C E
Palangan by the The Ellisons
They say that you really smile with your eyes, and that is certainly true in this case. This is a great capture of this well worn elderly man so obviously filled with life and happy to be photographed. Congratulations to the Ellisons!
carlogalliani09-Jul-2014 11:52
Great portrait !
Roland01-Jun-2014 21:43
Bless him, the smile is so real and the life was so difficult. V
danad01-Jun-2014 16:28
A great portrait, full of humanity ! BV.
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