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Ellie Kanary | all galleries >> Galleries >> fauna > swainsons hawk.jpg
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swainsons hawk.jpg

Nikon D50
1/1250s f/5.6 at 400.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
IMRAN HAFEEZ01-Sep-2007 04:10
very nice captured
fotabug24-Jul-2007 00:51
very nice
creativematrix18-Jun-2007 03:43
What a magnificent bird!
Guest 09-Jun-2007 21:56
Nice in flight catch.
Sue Hawken08-Jun-2007 03:01
Love how you managed to get the sun glare behind him and such excellent detail for a moving subject.
Robin08-Jun-2007 02:32
Guest 07-Jun-2007 21:32
This is really beautiful, Ellie!
Judith Barnett07-Jun-2007 20:57
Interesting how the sun is hi-lighting the tail and wing tip feathers.
pemkid07-Jun-2007 19:53
Pretty sharp for shooting a moving target in the sky.
SAL Photography07-Jun-2007 19:20
Nice catch !
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