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Ellie Kanary | all galleries >> Galleries >> blooms > spider mum2.jpg
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14-MAY-2007 Ellie

spider mum2.jpg

A different flower and different angle-sort of.

Nikon D200
1/10s f/2.8 at 105.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ceya21-Jul-2007 18:53
Nice shot!
Guest 15-May-2007 13:43
Like this spider.....mum that is. 8-)
Jim Larkin15-May-2007 05:01
Of the two shots I like this one the best....
It feels like it is really trying to reach out and grab me. Sweet shot.
Guest 15-May-2007 03:58
I can certainly see why they are named spider mums. I don't think I've seen any of these before. Very unique!
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