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Derek Santiago | all galleries >> Galleries >> Planetary Nebulae and SN Remnants > Abell83Bicolor.png
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Imaging Camera: QSI640wsg
Imaging Scope: Celestron 9.25"Edge HD
Guide Camera: SX Lodestar
Mount: Avalon M-Uno Fast Reverse
Filters: Astrodon 5nm Ha,3nm OIII
Exposure: 2 hours Ha, 2 hours OIII, 15 minute subs, binned x 2
Processing: CCD Stack and PS CC
Date: September 15, 2017
Location: My front driveway. Morristown, NJ

Thanks to Sakib Rasool for suggesting this rarely imaged PN

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Sakib 16-Sep-2017 21:12
I think this is the first colour image?
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