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Derek Santiago | all galleries >> Galleries >> Planetary Nebulae and SN Remnants > WeSb3 Bicolor
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WeSb3 Bicolor

WeSb3 is a very faint planetary nebula in the constellation Ophiuchus. There is very little information on this one and I am not aware of any color images. The discovery paper is here:

Total exposure time is four hours, 2 x 1 hour Ha (5nm)and 2 x 1 hour OIII (3nm) subs. Binned x 4. I suspect the blue density to the left is a filter reflection. It will require more time to bring out suspected additional extended PN structure. The possible outer structures around the planetary nebula were discovered by the Galactic Planetary Nebula Halo Survey (GPNHS) team in January 2015.

Imaging Camera: QSI540 wsg
Imaging Scope: 9.25" Celestron edge at F/10
Guide Camera: SX Lodestar x 2, PHD2
Mount:Avalon M Uno
Filters: Astrodon

Processing: CCD Stack and PS CS2.
Date: 7/12/16
Location: My front driveway. Morristown, NJ

0.00s full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Sakib 23-Jul-2016 04:00
It astrounds me when I read that the location is your driveway! Thanks for taking data for this one, even I'm surprised that there is actually something there.
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