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Doug Kessler | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD Alternates > Onion Field Harvest
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Onion Field Harvest

In 2004 Kern County had 1460 Acres
of onions in production and harvested
37,800 tons for a total value of $6,595,00.

The 1973 book The Onion Field,
by Joseph Wambaugh, is a true story
about a pair of Los Angeles Police Department
officers abducted and killed in farmland
near Bakersfield.
The Onion Field was made into a movie in 1979.

Nikon D70
1/2000s f/5.6 at 52.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 11-Jul-2006 17:15
Superb pano!
AL09-Jul-2006 05:01
Like Guenter, I'm a BIG fan of onions! Love your composition, simple yet powerful. And thanks for the introduction and sorry to hear about the sad story.
Guest 08-Jul-2006 23:59
interesting image Doug
great scenery behind the fields
Guenter Eh08-Jul-2006 22:22
I`m a fan of onions - but I have never thought about the industrial harvest - very interesting description, thanks Doug! Pano and treatment on top!
royalld08-Jul-2006 20:12
Superb panoramic image and background history.
Best seen in the original size. Well done.
Deborah Lewis08-Jul-2006 19:28
Great shot - can almost smell the onions!
Guest 08-Jul-2006 19:20
Excellent composition and format. I have never seen the "industrial" onon harvest. Superb treatement (no need to say ;-))
Mindy McNaugher08-Jul-2006 19:05
Awesome shot!! Love the panoramic crop too!
Rob Rosetti08-Jul-2006 18:51
Powerful composition! Love the panorama crop. Roberto
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