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The Park at Riverwalk, Bakersfield

Nikon D70
1/250s f/6.3 at 18.0mm full exif

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Guest 09-Sep-2008 12:05
Great Colours and Composition! V
Rob Rosetti18-Jun-2006 09:48
Cool POW! V Roberto
Jen Bixler18-Jun-2006 04:33
Makes me want to crawl into the photo and wait for the show!
Michael Shpuntov18-Jun-2006 01:51
I tend to agree with Guenter. Looks like a special place. Or may be Craig's and yours pictures making it look special. V
royalld18-Jun-2006 01:21
I wouldn't mind seeing a concert there.
Guenter Eh17-Jun-2006 20:27
I can`t say it enough - Bakersfield must be a fascinating place! I saw the pictures of Craig and - of course - yours. That lead me to this statement! Wonderful compo again. Would like to see and hear a rock band playing on stage ;o)))
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