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Doug Kessler | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD Alternates > Playground
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The Park at Riverwalk, Bakersfield

Nikon D70
1/400s f/6.3 at 18.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Sue Robertson11-Sep-2006 20:58
Wow. A scene from another world. Actually reminds me of the scene at the beginning of Pearl Harbour for some reason. v
Guest 11-Jul-2006 17:12
Another wonderful composition. It almost feels like really being there.
Rob Rosetti18-Jun-2006 09:47
Love the kids running! A great action shot, everything is freezed in a great atmosphere! V Roberto
Guest 17-Jun-2006 20:04
Oh,this is good! The treatment makes this typical suburban shot look surreal and cool. V
royalld17-Jun-2006 19:41
Great action throughout this wondrous shot.
Jen Bixler17-Jun-2006 19:33
you will need to do an entire gallery to this... just wonderful Doug. Vote.
Guenter Eh17-Jun-2006 17:47 the... (sorry for that!)
Guenter Eh17-Jun-2006 17:47
Welcome the the fantasy world again - with a heavy mysterious effect! The jet streams adds a lot to this magical feeling! Everything looks extremely clean and proper. Reminds me on the David Lynch films! Brilliant composition Doug!
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