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Doug Kessler | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD Alternates > Endless Sidewalk
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Endless Sidewalk

The Park at Riverwalk, Bakersfield.

Nikon D70
1/500s f/6.3 at 18.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 11-Jul-2006 17:11
I love this shot! Great curves and love the kid in the foreground with the pink helmet. Well done.
Guest 20-Jun-2006 01:56
Great image. V!
Guest 19-Jun-2006 03:24
Nice composition with the sidewalk and the trademark Kessler sky!
Rob Rosetti18-Jun-2006 09:45
Excellent! This shot is a great kid portrait with a fantastic context! Love the colors! Roberto
AL17-Jun-2006 15:33
Excellent composition and beautiful colors. Love it.
royalld17-Jun-2006 13:33
I like the composition and treatment; and as always I love your sky.
De'Carr Studio17-Jun-2006 13:20
Love that "S" curve"" Great depth here. Well done, Doug.
Jen Bixler17-Jun-2006 12:05
I agree with Guenter. Not sure how you do it but all your images are amazing. V.
Chris Thorpe17-Jun-2006 11:43
Great perspective and treatment. I like the title as well.
Guenter Eh17-Jun-2006 11:17
There is always a special magic in your images Doug! Difficult to describe! Great feeling though! Again superb framed and composed with the kid nearly rolling out of the frame! Excellent!
Knox O17-Jun-2006 09:07
awesome comp.
Guest 17-Jun-2006 08:41
very interesting image
lots to see and wonder about
very nice
Dan Chusid17-Jun-2006 08:18
Nicely framed!
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