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Doug Kessler | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD Alternates > The Park at Riverwalk
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The Park at Riverwalk

Bakersfield, California

Nikon D70
1/320s f/6.3 at 18.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dan Chusid17-Jun-2006 08:19
The sky makes the image.
Hand-tinted appearance to it.
Jen Bixler13-Jun-2006 23:20
Just keep re-visiting, so I gotta vote. I agree with John Waine~ it screams Cali!
Guest 13-Jun-2006 05:25
Love the deep saturation, and of course the sky. It's almost "cartoonish" in a good way.
Guest 12-Jun-2006 15:53
WOW! I'm speechless!
AL12-Jun-2006 15:25
Oooooo amazing clouds. Beautiful colors too. I truly wish for such a park (and sky) in my country!
Rob Rosetti12-Jun-2006 14:48
Great contrast, great shot! Roberto
Guest 12-Jun-2006 12:37
WOW, just awesome Doug, the colours are eye poppping. Vote
royalld12-Jun-2006 11:17
The marvelous sky puts a nice cap on the color wide angle scene.
Nicely composed.
Craig Persel12-Jun-2006 10:50
Great shot.
Eckhart Derschmidt12-Jun-2006 07:51
Love the way you post-process your images. Stunning colours!
Guenter Eh12-Jun-2006 07:42
Wonderful world of fantasy - dreamlike!
JW12-Jun-2006 05:45
Somehow this how I imagine California - awesome scene!
Jen Bixler12-Jun-2006 03:47
Knox O12-Jun-2006 03:39
so rich in contrast. V:>)
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