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Doug Kessler | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD Alternates > Bee with Bottlebrush tree
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Bee with Bottlebrush tree

At the Bakersfield Art Museum, Tejon Ranch Sculpture Garden.

Nikon D70
1/80s f/7.1 at 70.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guenter Eh10-May-2006 21:15
Whoa - what a shot Doug! I know this bottlebrush trees very well from my visits to australia! Really wonderful compo, everything is perfect!!!
Chris Thorpe10-May-2006 12:07
Wonderful action capture with great color.
Guest 08-May-2006 00:17
Guest 08-May-2006 00:17
awesome tining , colour and comp. V
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