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Doug Kessler | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD Alternates > Snapshot
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Nikon D70
1/2500s f/4.0 at 18.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 26-Apr-2006 23:23
Love the old retro style you are creating, how do you do it, I love it.GMV
Guest 26-Apr-2006 22:45
I like the Polaroid framing and the writing. :)
Craig Persel26-Apr-2006 18:28
Great backdrop of sky, Padre, Fox and Tegeler. Great treatment too. Perfect for this type of photo.
Guenter Eh26-Apr-2006 15:54
This is "art noveau" a la americana pure!!! Love the dramatic sky! Reminds me on the famous paintings of Edward Hopper! Excellent shot Doug! :o) I assume "Bako" is for Bakersfield ?!
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