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Daniele Occhiato | all galleries >> Photo Diary >> May - June 2007 > European Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola)
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07 Maggio 2007

European Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola)

Passo della Raticosa - Tuscany, Italy

Canon EOS 1D Mark II , EF L 500 f/4 IS USM + 2X

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 10-May-2007 14:13
Very nice detail. From composition point of you it is quite tight.
I think this is one is perfect if talking about the cmpo:
Guest 10-May-2007 01:01
Such fine detail. Beautiful shot. vote
Wolfgang Wander09-May-2007 23:10
Has a big WoW-factor. Great shot with wonderful pose and background...