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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Memories of Old HIALEAH, Florida - Historical Photo Galleries and Commentaries - click on image to view and read > 1960's - 3-story super slide on Palm Springs Mile between Richard's Department Store and the Supex X Drug Store/Publix building
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Early 1960's Courtesy of Ken Wilde, MiamiSprings Memories

1960's - 3-story super slide on Palm Springs Mile between Richard's Department Store and the Supex X Drug Store/Publix building

500 block of Palm Springs Mile (W. 49th Street), Hialeah view map

Many thanks to Ken Wilde from the MiamiSprings Memories Facebook group for posting this image. As Ken noted there was a a big controversy over how this super slide got a building permit without approval of the city council and Mayor Milander's office was involved in the permitting (why is this no surprise?). This was the super slide's first location. They later moved west on Palm Springs Mile to the area west of the Pizza Palace on the southwest corner of W. 10th Avenue and Palm Springs Mile. I believe they moved west of Palm Springs Mile to the K-Mart Plaza on W. 49th Street after that. The final location that I know of was at the northwest corner of NW 103rd Street and the Palmetto Expressway close to the old Farmer's Market building in Hialeah Gardens.

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