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Don Mottershead | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Quadra Island
:: Quadra Island ::
Quadra Events
:: Quadra Events ::
:: Kailey ::
Mister D
:: Mister D ::
:: Mini-galleries ::
Walking the Dogs
:: Walking the Dogs ::
Becky and Max
:: Becky and Max ::
On Location
:: On Location ::
Looking at Buildings
:: Looking at Buildings ::
What the...?
:: What the...? ::
Off Camera Speedlight(s)
:: Off Camera Speedlight(s) ::
Manual Focus Lenses
:: Manual Focus Lenses ::
Fujifilm Simulations and JPEG Recipes
:: Fujifilm Simulations and JPEG Recipes ::
Too Much Colour!
:: Too Much Colour! ::
:: Squared ::
Film Photography
:: Film Photography ::
:: One ::
Older Daily Photos
:: Older Daily Photos ::
Mechanical Advantage
:: Mechanical Advantage ::
Not Enough Colour
:: Not Enough Colour ::
Up our alley
:: Up our alley ::
April Point
:: April Point ::
Bird Count
:: Bird Count ::
Quadra Island Community Garden 2022
:: Quadra Island Community Garden 2022 ::
:: parked ::
:: Interiors ::
The Alphabeetles
:: The Alphabeetles ::
:: SOOC JEPGs ::
Around the House
:: Around the House ::
Spur Line
:: Spur Line ::
Processing Examples
:: Processing Examples ::
Quadra Singers
:: Quadra Singers ::
Orton Imagery
:: Orton Imagery ::
Photo Shoot
:: Photo Shoot ::
Morte Lake Trail Builders
:: Morte Lake Trail Builders ::
100th Birthday
:: 100th Birthday ::
Sailboat Trip to Cortes Island
:: Sailboat Trip to Cortes Island ::
Birthday Boys
:: Birthday Boys ::
Gowlland Point
:: Gowlland Point ::
Camera Controls
:: Camera Controls ::
:: Private ::