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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Galleries >> Black and White Favorites > Tiger and Ruins, Miami Zoo
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Tiger and Ruins, Miami Zoo

Miami, FL

Best viewed at original size.

Nikon D70 ,Nikkor 70-300mm f/4-5.6D ED AF
1/160s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Anna & Christian RECK26-May-2017 20:14
Wow! It's a real wonder!! My fav in this gallery!! B+++ Anna
M Paula Neumann22-May-2017 01:56
Outstanding! Love the composition and depth of field. V
janescottcumming20-Oct-2011 20:17
One of my favorites. V
Alain Boussac26-Feb-2010 07:49
A marvel of composition, light and reduced DOF on the background. An image of an intense beauty. BV.
Mario Solka18-Dec-2008 04:47
Beautiful image!
Great composition and light**V**
François Hamon17-Aug-2008 15:11
A lesson of composition... I first thought it was a painting... Vote !
Guest 18-Jun-2008 05:14
A great composition as well as strong contrast, good choice of showcasing in BW, just love the subject and background nicely blend together!
Guest 18-May-2008 14:42
Dan - The border on this makes it so unique. Excellent composition
geonni banner12-Mar-2008 05:04
Just beautiful! V
Bill Klein27-Feb-2008 00:38
Truly a Classic shot!