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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Travel and Places (44 Galleries) >> England 2016 > Colorful Train Yards
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Colorful Train Yards

London, England

Viewed from the London Eye
Best viewed at original size.

Olympus Stylus Tough TG-4
1/200s f/6.3 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ray :)01-Nov-2016 02:27
Yes, these are the ones that take me home!
Julie Oldfield11-Jul-2016 14:23
Amazing. Fantastic lines. V
pkocinski09-Jul-2016 12:46
Love the colorful capture!
Graeme09-Jul-2016 12:18
A fine view Dan.BV
joseantonio09-Jul-2016 03:46
amazing POV...Well done.V.
Hank Vander Velde09-Jul-2016 01:33
Excellent, busy image, like the train service.
Neil Marcus09-Jul-2016 00:41
A unique image. Most have never photographed this view. If so its unique to me. Big Vote
fotabug09-Jul-2016 00:20
It is very colorful. Wish we had the rail service that they have!