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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Travel and Places (44 Galleries) >> England 2016 > Many Landmarks Seen from the London Eye
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Many Landmarks Seen from the London Eye

London, England

Including the Old War Building, Ministry of Defence, Horse Parade and many others
Best viewed at original size.

Olympus Stylus Tough TG-4
1/160s f/4.5 at 9.6mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jeff Real10-Jul-2016 12:53
This is such a great view.
It greatly captures the feel of the city from the perspective of its vastness
Sam Rua09-Jul-2016 15:26
Very cool POV. Nice capture.
J Ponces08-Jul-2016 23:46
Very nice! Perfect weather, too! V
Graeme08-Jul-2016 23:00
Terrific viewpoint of the thousands of buildings, Dan.BV
Neil Marcus08-Jul-2016 22:47
A superlative view on a beautiful day. "V"