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Dan Greenberg | profile | all galleries >> Travel and Places (44 Galleries) >> England 2016 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

England 2016

I have just returned from a vacation in England with my daughter. It was not primarily a photo trip, but I did try to get a few though it was often difficult doing a decent job while on the move. This gallery has a lot of different subjects and images that are more snapshots than artistic in some cases. As you might guess, it was often difficult getting images worthy of the sites I was photographing due to the number of people, weather and having no time to really consider the subject in a number of cases. On August 14, 2016, I added a companion gallery featuring the monochrome images from this trip. Please check it out at

All images best at Original Size, newest images are at the beginning.

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Inside the Hive
Inside the Hive
The Hive
The Hive
Kew Palace
Kew Palace
Boat Reflections
Boat Reflections
The Girl with the Purple Umbrella
The Girl with the Purple Umbrella
A Rainy Day at the Roman Baths
A Rainy Day at the Roman Baths
Radcliffe Camera Building
Radcliffe Camera Building
Red Brick, White Windows, Blue Doors
Red Brick, White Windows, Blue Doors
Lotus Blossoms
Lotus Blossoms
Dusk Along the Thames
Dusk Along the Thames
Flags Atop the Grand Building
Flags Atop the Grand Building
A Crazy Way to Earn Money
A Crazy Way to Earn Money
Ancient Roman Baths
Ancient Roman Baths
Royal Pavillion
Royal Pavillion
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