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Dan Greenberg | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Black and White Favorites tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Black and White Favorites

This gallery has black and white, some with little touches of color, with no particular topic. This is not my only black and white work, by any means. Many of the images are samples from other galleries. The most recent additions are at the beginning.

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Rock Formations, Southern Utah
Rock Formations, Southern Utah
Monument Valley at Dawn
Monument Valley at Dawn
Monument Valley, viewed from Hunts Mesa
Monument Valley, viewed from Hunts Mesa
Tiny Car on a Narrow Street,
Tiny Car on a Narrow Street,
Playing Xiang Qi (Chinese Chess), Temple of Heaven
Playing Xiang Qi (Chinese Chess), Temple of Heaven
A Very Old Olive Tree
A Very Old Olive Tree
Dusk on the Yangtze, 1998
Dusk on the Yangtze, 1998
St. Mark’s Anglican Church, Kings Landing
St. Mark’s Anglican Church, Kings Landing
Farm Buildings, Kings Landing
Farm Buildings, Kings Landing
The Dung Gate at Dusk
The Dung Gate at Dusk
Lowland Gorilla - Silverback, Miami Zoo
Lowland Gorilla - Silverback, Miami Zoo
Zebra, Miami Zoo
Zebra, Miami Zoo
Tiger and Ruins, Miami Zoo
Tiger and Ruins, Miami Zoo
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