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Pictures by Dimitri Sokolenko
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The Cape Neddick Lighthouse (Nubble Light)
The Cape Neddick Lighthouse (Nubble Light)
Sunset over Red Hill (Lake Winnipesaukee)
Sunset over Red Hill (Lake Winnipesaukee)
Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II
Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II
Mount Shaw - the highest point of the Ossipee Mountains
Mount Shaw - the highest point of the Ossipee Mountains
Red Leaf
Red Leaf
The Face of Evil
The Face of Evil
Ecuadorian Highlands
Ecuadorian Highlands
Moscow Kremlin
Moscow Kremlin
u6/dimitrisokolenko/medium/35346955.DSC_5363a.jpg Buddha
Natural Pool, Aruba
Natural Pool, Aruba
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