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Denny Walldén | all galleries >> Galleries >> Trees, skies and rocks > 170B05.jpg
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Skåne, Sweden


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pascal06-Nov-2009 14:24
Great shot. And an excellent treatment ! Well done !
Buba Jafarli29-Aug-2009 09:34
Yet another dreamlike photo! Perfectly done! V.
souvneir28-Aug-2009 01:20
fantastic view! mistic, fear, ancient.... nice shot!
Guest 02-Aug-2009 19:09
great B&W !! i love scene (v)
Gerhard Ritsema01-Aug-2009 21:25
Absolutely fantastic, great dramatic landscape in B&W!! The motion in the waves is well captured.
I was driving through your beautiful Skåne yesterday and loved the sceneries! I sure come back one day!
Michael Shpuntov30-Jul-2009 23:18
Perfect composition and excellent B&W rendering. Vote.
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