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Dennis Tu | all galleries >> Galleries >> nese > 9.jpg
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Nikon D90
1/125s f/2.8 at 120.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Danny Tuason18-Jul-2011 14:32
Another winner! V
A.Arif22-Mar-2011 18:34
lovely colors
Photodelles28-Jan-2011 18:45
My favorite!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)10-Nov-2010 06:40
Nice to see your work ,Dennis!Nice capture!!! V+
Guest 24-Jul-2010 18:56
love her eye - good shot - V
Vince23-May-2010 14:06
Outstanding portrait work Dennis. Superb details and colors. Vote.
N.Alkhan22-May-2010 23:32
gr8 shot
CM Kwan22-May-2010 13:44
A very attractive portrait, Dennis! V
an nguyen22-May-2010 00:15
She has a pensive look , but make the most intriguing portrait.
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