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17-JUN-2007 Deborah Lewis

Happy Birthday Pops!

New Freedom, PA

June 17th

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/60s f/6.3 at 37.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 21-Jun-2007 17:43
Hey - ya married a guy with taste, Debs (well, obviously!)
Way ta go, Bill - ah love these guys to!
Mike :o)
Victoria20-Jun-2007 10:59
Happy Birthday Pops,even it is later:0
Jim Larkin's mom 20-Jun-2007 01:29
Looks like one happy Dad to me!!!!!!!!!
PENNY JOE 20-Jun-2007 00:37
Guest 19-Jun-2007 21:29
Happy Birthday Bubba! Happy Father's Day too! We love you very much!!!
R. Walls19-Jun-2007 01:25
Great shirt and one of my all time favorite bands. Is that an x-large? Maybe we could work out a deal! Happy Birthday and enjoy the grill!
Jen Bixler19-Jun-2007 00:18
And guess who bought that shirt! ;o)))

Great shot of Pops, Mom! He looks relaxed and ready to cook!!!

It was a great day yesterday.
Lee G19-Jun-2007 00:16
Pop Rocks with that shirt!
Dan Chusid18-Jun-2007 23:23
Looks like he's ready to operate that new grill!
: )
Cindi Smith18-Jun-2007 23:11
Lynard Skynard....Pops knows how to rock! Great shot and Happy B-Day and Father's Day! Howdy from Texas, Pops!
J. Scott Coile18-Jun-2007 22:57
Doubling up with Pop's Day. Nice one!
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